An Overview of Higher Education in Hungary

Hungary is rapidly becoming an education hub for students across the world. Public and private universities in Hungary are welcoming students from different countries via exchange programs or for full time degree courses. There are 18 state universities, 13 state colleges, 2 non-state universities, 5 church universities and 22 colleges and 12 colleges in higher education network of Hungary.

The higher education in Hungary is imparted either in English or Hungarian. Higher education in Hungary is segregated into universities and colleges. The college education lasts up to 4 years while the university education in Hungary lasts up to 4 to 6 years. The higher education span depends on the courses i.e. undergraduate, masters, and doctorate, post-doctorate, associate or vocational degrees.

The number of students enrolling in higher education has been considerably growing in numbers. Hungarian Higher education has dual system of education with universities and colleges. Certain colleges in Hungary are affiliated with universities and some other run as college faculties within universities.  Government of Hungary has taken initiatives and steps to ensure the quality education is imparted. 

University Level Higher Education

The duration of Education at university level is at least 4 years and can go up to 5 years. The medical education can go up to 6 years. However, the time of degrees at university level depends upon the courses and varies from course to course. The public and private universities grant EgyetemiOklevel (University-level Degree). These universities also conduct three-year PhD courses, specialized further education courses (with a normal duration of one to three years) and various consistent education courses.

College Level Education

The duration of college level education is generally 3 years which can go up to 4 years depending upon the course chosen. Hungarian higher education follows the binary pattern, according to which, colleges and universities grant FőiskolaiOklevel (College-level Degree).

Accreditation Bodies in Hungary

The Act LXXX of 1993 on Higher Education in Hungary has led to the establishment of two organizations which are the accreditation agencies in Higher education. These agencies are accountable for monitoring the quality and working of the academic system in Hungary effectively. There are public and private agencies looking at various aspects of Higher education. The two organizations offering professional advice on the development and regulation of higher education:
  • Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) and
  • Higher Education and Scientific Council (HESC)
Academic year and Language of instruction in Universities and Colleges

In Hungary, the academic year generally starts from September and goes up to June. Students enjoy long vacation from July to August. Hungarian is the language of instruction while most international students take up English as their medium of instruction
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